Our Policies

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CISTA MYKE is committed to the provision of excellent products and services to clients at optimal cost, through the application of quality management principles in its processes and activities, from engineering, procurement, production, installation, commissioning and maintenance. Accordingly, a Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of NIS ISO 9001:2000 is established, documented, implemented and maintained in order to:

•    Prevent the occurrence of nonconformities in our processes and activities
•    Identify and record any nonconformity;
•    Take corrective action;
•    Plan for improvement.

Furthermore, adequate resources, including human, infrastructure and financial, are provided, to support the product realization and support processes, in order to ensure that client, regulatory and statutory requirements are met and surpassed.

Quality objectives covering all levels and functions of the company as established, are pursued and reviewed periodically, for effectiveness.

The Quality Policy, is communicated and understood throughout the company for implementation and is periodically reviewed for continuing suitability.


It is the policy of the company to carry out all its operations in such a way as to guarantee the health and safety of all its employees.

To this end, our policy shall be to:
i.    Eliminate all forms of hazards in and around work areas.

ii.    Provide all personnel with adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) suitable for the work they are performing. The use of these shall be properly monitored and encouraged through education.

iii.    Properly maintain machines and equipment. All machines with rotating parts shall be adequately fenced off.

iv.    Ensure that all employees have access to First- Aid resources in the company, as well as the company’s clinic.

v.    Discourage the use of performance enhancement drugs and self-medication among all employees.

vi.    Train and re-train the company’s First Aiders on regular basis.

vii.    Prior to employing any worker, ensure that each employee is tested for medical fitness.

viii.    Investigate all operational accidents promptly in order to reveal immediate and remote causes and identity ways to prevent reoccurrence.

ix.    Recognize personnel excellence in Health and Safety through periodic awards and show discontentment to attitudes capable of hampering health and safety efforts.


The company shall continue to identify with the needs and aspiration of its host communities, as well as clients’ host communities in the execution of its operations.

The company believes that it cannot operate in isolation and therefore shall co- operate with clients; host communities, relevant government departments etc. in order to ensure a safe and peaceful working atmosphere.

The company shall co-operate with indigenous communities around its work areas.

The company shall also ensure the building and sustenance of solid harmonious relationship with client host communities, and shall exhaust every known peaceful strategy to resolve conflict in case of any disagreement.

The company shall adopt established procedures to deal with community and other forms of unrest in the execution of its tasks. Every Project Manager and CASHES department should be guided accordingly.


At all times, the company shall continue to be guided on matters affecting the environment in which it operates. Specifically, our policy shall be to:
•    Ensure that human waste generated in and around work areas are adequately disposed according to client and statutory standards.
•    Ensure that industrial waste such as oil, fuel, scrap, etc. are properly disposed according to client and statutory standards.
•    Ensure that, when used, industrial chemicals are handled by trained personnel and with standard approved equipment.
•    Ensure that before commencement of work in any system which has potentials for environment pollution, a client permit-to-work, as well as statutory permits are obtained. Also, emergency resources shall be mobilized “on-stand-by” for containment in the event of pollution.
•    Investigate and report all operational incidents promptly accordingly to client and statutory regulation
•    Train personnel in environment related matters.
•    Encourage employee attitudes towards environmental conservation and discourage all acts capable of endangering our operational environment.


The security of our personnel and plant shall remain a central concern in our operations. This is regarded as an integral part of our overall Health and Safety programme. To this end, our policy shall be to:
•    Provide full time security agents to man our work sites, offices and designated residential areas.
•    Ensure that each employee of the company is adequately identified by use of card systems.
•    Ensure that adequate protection and security lighting of operational areas.
•    Provide, in liaison with appropriate statutory agencies, adequate escorts for vehicles carrying valuables.
•    Discourage stealing amongst employees by proper incident investigation and control mechanisms.
•    Provide security alarm systems to alert personnel in cases of violent emergencies.
•    Check all forms of unauthorized movements in and around operational areas.
•    Discourage employees from participating in activities inimical to company/community relations in our operational areas.
•    Organize in-house training programs for company security personnel to enhance efficiency and performance.
•    Recognize excellence in security matters through periodic awards and discourage attitude capable of jeopardizing our security efforts.
